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Swing State

Political Action Committee

Why we are here

Swing States are important in a presidential election and changing the landscape for congress. We are keen to educating and focusing on swaying the hearts and minds of people from the Great States of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Together they make up a total of 156 Electoral Votes. Those Swing States are crucial to winning a Presidential Election and having control of Congress.

We Can Not Afford Another 4 Years Of Trump.

The United States can not afford to have Trump as our president any longer. For 2020 we need a change. Our plan is to defeat Trump in 2020,  elect members to Congress that share our ideals, and helping to increase voter turnout. We plan to expose Trumps Lies, Corruption, Disastrous Policies and the damage he has done to the Environment.


We are organized and operate primarily for the purpose of making independent expenditures to influence the selections, nominations, elections and appointments to, or removal from, Federal, State and Local public offices.

Swing State PAC is a 527 (Super Pac) political organization regulated by the IRS.


We are also regulated by the Secretary of State and Federal Election Commission.

We are organized and operate primarily for the purpose of making independent expenditures to influence the selections, nominations, elections and appointments to, or removal from, Federal, State and Local public office.

Our Federal Tax ID EIN is 84-3621680.

Federal Law requires Super PAC's (Independent expenditure-only political committees) to report the name, mailing address, occupation, employer and employer address for each individual whose contribution aggregate is in excess of $200 in a calendar year.

We may solicit and accept unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations, labor organizations and other political committees. We may NOT accept contributions from those under the age of 18 (minors), foreign nationals, federal contractors, national banks or federally chartered corporations.

Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.


Vision For America

Our plan is to mobilizing as many people we can to win this fight.

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